>>> mobroute: Building testing/mobroute 0.6.0-r0 (using abuild 3.13.0-r3) started Tue, 09 Jul 2024 13:06:50 +0000
>>> mobroute: Checking sanity of /home/buildozer/aports/testing/mobroute/APKBUILD...
>>> mobroute: Analyzing dependencies...
>>> mobroute: Installing for build: build-base tzdata go
(1/3) Installing tzdata (2024a-r1)
(2/3) Installing go (1.22.5-r0)
(3/3) Installing .makedepends-mobroute (20240709.130654)
Executing busybox-1.36.1-r31.trigger
OK: 409 MiB in 105 packages
>>> mobroute: Cleaning up srcdir
>>> mobroute: Cleaning up pkgdir
>>> mobroute: Cleaning up tmpdir
>>> mobroute: Fetching https://distfiles.alpinelinux.org/distfiles/edge/mobroute-0.6.0.tar.gz
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
100 73652  100 73652    0     0   530k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  536k
>>> mobroute: Fetching https://distfiles.alpinelinux.org/distfiles/edge/mobroute-0.6.0.tar.gz
>>> mobroute: Checking sha512sums...
mobroute-0.6.0.tar.gz: OK
>>> mobroute: Unpacking /var/cache/distfiles/edge/mobroute-0.6.0.tar.gz...
go: downloading github.com/jmoiron/sqlx v1.4.0
go: downloading git.sr.ht/~mil/mobsql v0.6.0
go: downloading github.com/go-playground/validator/v10 v10.21.0
go: downloading github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.14.22
go: downloading golang.org/x/text v0.14.0
go: downloading golang.org/x/crypto v0.19.0
go: downloading github.com/go-playground/universal-translator v0.18.1
go: downloading github.com/gabriel-vasile/mimetype v1.4.3
go: downloading github.com/leodido/go-urn v1.4.0
go: downloading github.com/go-playground/locales v0.14.1
go: downloading golang.org/x/net v0.21.0
go: downloading gopkg.in/yaml.v3 v3.0.1
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apioneshot	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtinit	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute/calcwalk	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute/diagnosticst	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute/formatterdiagnostics	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute/formattergeojson	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute/formatterlegs	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute/formattermapurl	[no test files]
=== RUN   Test_ApiRouteYMLGTFS
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Generated mock for input (map[42:../../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_sample_0.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/1031300729.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1809230587.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1809230587.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_094bebcb755791ceadbffc4dcade4344a4f77bc6ed5ee72799d58a48ac19368d; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:05 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1809230587.csv to table: _mdb ok
--- PASS: Test_ApiRouteYMLGTFS (0.08s)
ok  	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/api/apirtroute_test	0.225s
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/cli	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/csa	[no test files]
=== RUN   Test_CheapestArrivalDestination
--- PASS: Test_CheapestArrivalDestination (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_ExecuteCSAMainLoop
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Begin
2024/07/09 13:16:07 Completed main CSA loop map[a:{1 <nil> 0} b:{10 0x3f4413cbd0 1} c:{20 0x3f4413cc40 1} d:{1000 <nil> 0} e:{1000 <nil> 0}]
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Complete
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Begin
2024/07/09 13:16:07 Completed main CSA loop map[a:{-11 <nil> 0} b:{-3 0x3f4413ccb0 1} c:{20 0x3f4413cd20 1} d:{988 <nil> 0} e:{988 <nil> 0}]
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Complete
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Begin
2024/07/09 13:16:07 Completed main CSA loop map[a:{1 <nil> 0} b:{10 0x3f4413cd90 1} c:{20 0x3f4413ce00 1} d:{1000 <nil> 0} e:{1000 <nil> 0} f:{20 0x3f4413cee0 2} g:{11 0x3f4413cd90 1} h:{13 0x3f4413ce70 2}]
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Complete
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Begin
2024/07/09 13:16:07 Completed main CSA loop map[a:{1 <nil> 0} b:{10 0x3f4413cf50 1} c:{20 0x3f4413cfc0 1} d:{1000 <nil> 0} e:{1000 <nil> 0} f:{15 0x3f4413d030 2}]
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Complete
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Begin
2024/07/09 13:16:07 Completed main CSA loop map[a:{1 <nil> 0} b:{10 0x3f4413d0a0 1} c:{20 0x3f4413d110 1} d:{1000 <nil> 0} e:{1000 <nil> 0} f:{19 0x3f4413d180 2} g:{14 0x3f4413d0a0 1} h:{1000 <nil> 0}]
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Complete
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Begin
2024/07/09 13:16:07 Completed main CSA loop map[a:{1 <nil> 0} b:{10 0x3f4413d1f0 1} c:{20 0x3f4413d260 1} d:{1000 <nil> 0} e:{1000 <nil> 0} f:{19 0x3f4413d3b0 2} g:{11 0x3f4413d1f0 1} h:{13 0x3f4413d2d0 2} i:{24 0x3f4413d420 3} j:{30 0x3f4413d490 3}]
2024/07/09 13:16:07 CSA Main Loop Complete
--- PASS: Test_ExecuteCSAMainLoop (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_TransferPossibleBetweenConnections
--- PASS: Test_TransferPossibleBetweenConnections (0.00s)
ok  	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/csa_test	0.061s
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/csa_test/csa_testhelper	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/dbquery	[no test files]
=== RUN   Test_LoadConnections
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_sample_0.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/87585767.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3902772035.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3902772035.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c3c45c23fb46730503fab118583be88558a73293b73b9157ff4b145d6905bb34; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3902772035.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading /tmp/87585767.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/87585767.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c15705f0e743a50086d3c871e24b6165b3b4d723a3f96445f676c4216a2fcd14; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_124e46e20a21debc5240cba81ffd1f420ad3546f91373ae55886e911b19b2608; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 9 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 4 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 2 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1075393209/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded /tmp/87585767.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136,42:stop_times:C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6,42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899,42:trips:C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7')
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f743a0068) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _cvconn con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select conn_id,trip_id,from_stop_sequence,from_stop_sidu,from_stop_drutctime,to_stop_sequence,to_stop_sidu,to_stop_drutctime from timetable
 ([20240304 25200 28800 America/New_York -18000 42]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _cvconn con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select conn_id,trip_id,from_stop_sequence,from_stop_sidu,from_stop_drutctime,to_stop_sequence,to_stop_sidu,to_stop_drutctime from timetable
 ([20240304 25200 28800 America/New_York -18000 42]) to memory ok (len=2)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_sample_0.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/195289388.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_4025092974.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_4025092974.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_6403991291d9743328f41824d1002e0bf4de57e48a434da8e9476b260a81e505; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_4025092974.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading /tmp/195289388.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/195289388.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c15705f0e743a50086d3c871e24b6165b3b4d723a3f96445f676c4216a2fcd14; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_124e46e20a21debc5240cba81ffd1f420ad3546f91373ae55886e911b19b2608; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 9 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 4 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported 2 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1696515187/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loaded /tmp/195289388.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136,42:stop_times:C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6,42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899,42:trips:C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7')
2024/07/09 13:16:45 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f74620068) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _cvconn con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select conn_id,trip_id,from_stop_sequence,from_stop_sidu,from_stop_drutctime,to_stop_sequence,to_stop_sidu,to_stop_drutctime from timetable
 ([20230818 72000 75600 America/New_York -14400 42]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _cvconn con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select conn_id,trip_id,from_stop_sequence,from_stop_sidu,from_stop_drutctime,to_stop_sequence,to_stop_sidu,to_stop_drutctime from timetable
 ([20230818 72000 75600 America/New_York -14400 42]) to memory ok (len=4)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_sample_0.yml 43:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_sample_1.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/2079945002.zip /tmp/3552327240.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1864199294.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1864199294.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ca82997995deff581b874cbda85bf73f9d114b7bc0285d7ebb223c109c5e8175; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1864199294.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 2 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 2)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading /tmp/2079945002.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/2079945002.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c15705f0e743a50086d3c871e24b6165b3b4d723a3f96445f676c4216a2fcd14; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_124e46e20a21debc5240cba81ffd1f420ad3546f91373ae55886e911b19b2608; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 9 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 4 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir686723623/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded /tmp/2079945002.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 43 (2 of 2)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading /tmp/3552327240.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 43
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/3552327240.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ff0363444c30e50468d902237b474ab438a9e78058f5bc3e72580097a477a123; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_124e46e20a21debc5240cba81ffd1f420ad3546f91373ae55886e911b19b2608; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 9 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 4 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2195052972/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded /tmp/3552327240.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 43 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 43 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 2 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 2 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136,42:stop_times:C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6,42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899,42:trips:C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvconn for feed (43 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '43:routes:C_0M_adc89b7b4e4f8b88e68bf10397af1fc696e623cfec1d5ebd84a57dfac7953136,43:stop_times:C_0M_c720fd568d7d6154f442f16b61c73437ba7452ed091d91c002b4f384d60b36c6,43:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899,43:trips:C_0M_0220e37a7822e751eaa95f847f72fd94eb66c922e5a43f58f2bc059b96efdce7')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (43 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '43:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f74517ba8) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f74517bb8) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899,43:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (43 0x3f74517bd8) out of date - updating ('' vs '43:stops:C_0M_1e4481e4464525fdf1ea0305fca00f2c9d379749fff7d64a0cd7ffa5175af899')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 2 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds union select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?,?)
			join _cvconn con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select conn_id,trip_id,from_stop_sequence,from_stop_sidu,from_stop_drutctime,to_stop_sequence,to_stop_sidu,to_stop_drutctime from timetable
 ([20240304 18000 32400 America/New_York -18000 America/Chicago -21600 42 43]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds union select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?,?)
			join _cvconn con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select conn_id,trip_id,from_stop_sequence,from_stop_sidu,from_stop_drutctime,to_stop_sequence,to_stop_sidu,to_stop_drutctime from timetable
 ([20240304 18000 32400 America/New_York -18000 America/Chicago -21600 42 43]) to memory ok (len=4)
--- PASS: Test_LoadConnections (0.82s)
=== RUN   Test_LoadConnectionsVerbose
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_agency_fmt_nilagencyid.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/3346095144.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_2453153246.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_2453153246.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_813147ec514a38f9ed72e42b8329b58e471ea73eafafbac7b9c6e1b724eaede7; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_2453153246.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading /tmp/3346095144.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/3346095144.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ba39c5c760c18856a8bb3e6b63e9688c4cf76a4800d54373e7084f0f7e01d7b3; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_124e46e20a21debc5240cba81ffd1f420ad3546f91373ae55886e911b19b2608; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_d9bce8ae7ee7dfa8ffc2951ca370d0c3a5e3a3b34a234791d52a7ee735613704; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 4 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 5 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_192859d996a594c799ed78e3d50de8364a2d585195de939c4e1c218633e55290; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1724839003/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded /tmp/3346095144.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_d9bce8ae7ee7dfa8ffc2951ca370d0c3a5e3a3b34a234791d52a7ee735613704,42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07,42:trips:C_0M_192859d996a594c799ed78e3d50de8364a2d585195de939c4e1c218633e55290')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f74339e78) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _vconnverbose con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select * from timetable
 where conn_id in (?,?) ([20240304 -18000 68400 America/New_York -18000 42 42_trip_foo_up_wk_2 42_trip_foo_up_wk_3]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _vconnverbose con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select * from timetable
 where conn_id in (?,?) ([20240304 -18000 68400 America/New_York -18000 42 42_trip_foo_up_wk_2 42_trip_foo_up_wk_3]) to memory ok (len=2)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_agency_fmt_oneagencyid.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/1140351724.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1726628030.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1726628030.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_eeca6fa4b25afdd79c933237c246f18b0a90e6fff2d59eec1689d46a2ac1dcea; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1726628030.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading /tmp/1140351724.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/1140351724.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c15705f0e743a50086d3c871e24b6165b3b4d723a3f96445f676c4216a2fcd14; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_124e46e20a21debc5240cba81ffd1f420ad3546f91373ae55886e911b19b2608; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_d9bce8ae7ee7dfa8ffc2951ca370d0c3a5e3a3b34a234791d52a7ee735613704; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 4 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 5 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_192859d996a594c799ed78e3d50de8364a2d585195de939c4e1c218633e55290; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2139427520/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded /tmp/1140351724.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_d9bce8ae7ee7dfa8ffc2951ca370d0c3a5e3a3b34a234791d52a7ee735613704,42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07,42:trips:C_0M_192859d996a594c799ed78e3d50de8364a2d585195de939c4e1c218633e55290')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f74621848) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _vconnverbose con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select * from timetable
 where conn_id in (?,?) ([20240304 -18000 68400 America/New_York -18000 42 42_trip_foo_up_wk_2 42_trip_foo_up_wk_3]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _vconnverbose con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select * from timetable
 where conn_id in (?,?) ([20240304 -18000 68400 America/New_York -18000 42 42_trip_foo_up_wk_2 42_trip_foo_up_wk_3]) to memory ok (len=2)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_agency_fmt_multiagencyid.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/724812008.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_260613576.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_260613576.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e547526c7c490d507aef0752ada2047d16b176635ace52144487eedaa3176fde; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_260613576.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading /tmp/724812008.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/724812008.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_1b19c5b299e31d8d1cfefb7e48146986c62c848400fef102c60695b4f0775d32; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 3 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_124e46e20a21debc5240cba81ffd1f420ad3546f91373ae55886e911b19b2608; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_f388cfe714ea19d79a0718f2ec6d011ba3747eafdd8040ca160d14b293599e76; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 8 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 5 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_40b68a8b536ba5a4e14df14dd606ca3b047f7521077c9aa948e99b2d8615e2ff; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_d6791ceda8f344e670681056012480211612142eddb7ea00221f228f63f5c4a2; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported 2 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir552194255/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded /tmp/724812008.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_d6791ceda8f344e670681056012480211612142eddb7ea00221f228f63f5c4a2,42:stop_times:C_0M_f388cfe714ea19d79a0718f2ec6d011ba3747eafdd8040ca160d14b293599e76,42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07,42:trips:C_0M_40b68a8b536ba5a4e14df14dd606ca3b047f7521077c9aa948e99b2d8615e2ff')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f742fec08) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0a1e1a76e511685c15e5b6fbd35e233bbdcaba3f388e7381cc9e2bc2e0233b07')
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _vconnverbose con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select * from timetable
 where conn_id in (?,?) ([20240304 -18000 68400 America/New_York -18000 42 42_trip_foo_up_wk_2 42_trip_bar_up_wk_3]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loaded with
	inputs as (select ? as yyyymmdddate, ? as seconds_from, ? as seconds_to),
	tztodelta as (select ? as timezone, ? as seconds),
	feedidtotzutcdelta as (
		-- Note: re distinct, per GTFS spec; if there is >1 agency in agency.txt
		--       all timezones must be equal; thus 1 feed_id always = 1 timezone
		--       irregardless of # of agenc(ies)
		select distinct agency.feed_id, tztodelta.seconds as tzutcdeltasecs
		from agency join tztodelta on agency.agency_timezone = tztodelta.timezone
	timetable as (
			-- E.g. normalize from/to stop times in two ways:
			-- 1) normalize to the input date YYYYMMDD, so if a time departs at 02:00 on monday the following day;
			--    converted look like 26:00 on the previous day (since all times relative to input YYYYMMDD)
			-- 2) add the agency's associated timezone UTC delta value so that routing across agencies
			--    using different timezones functions correctly. All outuput values thus in UTC time
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.from_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as from_stop_drutctime,
			(cts.service_date - inputs.yyyymmdddate) * (60 * 60 * 24) + con.to_stop_time + tz.tzutcdeltasecs as to_stop_drutctime,
		from _cvcaltoservice cts
			join inputs on (
				-- E.g. optimization so we don't have to calculate {from,to}_stop_drutctime for *all*
				-- timetable entries (should handle both tz shifts & next day for schedule logic)
				cts.service_date between inputs.yyyymmdddate - 1 and inputs.yyyymmdddate + 1
			) and cts.feed_id in (?)
			join _vconnverbose con
				on cts.service_id = con.service_id and cts.feed_id = con.feed_id
				and from_stop_drutctime between seconds_from and seconds_to
			join feedidtotzutcdelta tz on con.feed_id = tz.feed_id
			order by from_stop_drutctime asc
	select * from timetable
 where conn_id in (?,?) ([20240304 -18000 68400 America/New_York -18000 42 42_trip_foo_up_wk_2 42_trip_bar_up_wk_3]) to memory ok (len=2)
--- PASS: Test_LoadConnectionsVerbose (0.45s)
=== RUN   Test_LoadStopWalks
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_simple_stops.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/3241619885.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_33074572.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:46 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:46 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_33074572.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_916cd5af60c481bbb764d010c4c78d50e0869c6d33aafaa0a1ec7b0399971ca5; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_33074572.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading /tmp/3241619885.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/3241619885.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e37e371e5f8c7c355413d55fe59c9054de3dbf0d759f0bcd6ef7968b46cde54e; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 10 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1338106393/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded /tmp/3241619885.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f743a00a8) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading with
	input_coord as (select ? as lat, ? as lon),
	dists as (
			distinct s.feed_id, vsp.feed_id || '_' || vsp.parent_station as stop_sidu,
			6371.0 * acos(
				sin(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * sin(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) +
				cos(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * cos(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) *
				cos((s.stop_lon - input_coord.lon) * pi() / 180.0)
			) as dist_km
			join stops s on 1 = 1
			join _vstopparent vsp on s.feed_id = vsp.feed_id and vsp.parent_station = s.stop_id
			order by dist_km asc
select stop_sidu, stop_name, iif(dist_km > ?, null, dist_km) as dist_km
from dists where feed_id in (?)
order by dist_km asc
 ([1.1 0.2 50 42]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded with
	input_coord as (select ? as lat, ? as lon),
	dists as (
			distinct s.feed_id, vsp.feed_id || '_' || vsp.parent_station as stop_sidu,
			6371.0 * acos(
				sin(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * sin(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) +
				cos(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * cos(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) *
				cos((s.stop_lon - input_coord.lon) * pi() / 180.0)
			) as dist_km
			join stops s on 1 = 1
			join _vstopparent vsp on s.feed_id = vsp.feed_id and vsp.parent_station = s.stop_id
			order by dist_km asc
select stop_sidu, stop_name, iif(dist_km > ?, null, dist_km) as dist_km
from dists where feed_id in (?)
order by dist_km asc
 ([1.1 0.2 50 42]) to memory ok (len=4)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_simple_stops.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/1362087139.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3909650624.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3909650624.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c76336385576df93b8941a39818a95558b85715b98c1f005727aff7133263f16; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3909650624.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading /tmp/1362087139.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/1362087139.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e37e371e5f8c7c355413d55fe59c9054de3dbf0d759f0bcd6ef7968b46cde54e; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 10 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir548984042/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded /tmp/1362087139.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f741aed48) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading with
	input_coord as (select ? as lat, ? as lon),
	dists as (
			distinct s.feed_id, vsp.feed_id || '_' || vsp.parent_station as stop_sidu,
			6371.0 * acos(
				sin(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * sin(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) +
				cos(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * cos(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) *
				cos((s.stop_lon - input_coord.lon) * pi() / 180.0)
			) as dist_km
			join stops s on 1 = 1
			join _vstopparent vsp on s.feed_id = vsp.feed_id and vsp.parent_station = s.stop_id
			order by dist_km asc
select stop_sidu, stop_name, iif(dist_km > ?, null, dist_km) as dist_km
from dists where feed_id in (?)
order by dist_km asc
 ([1.1 0.2 20 42]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded with
	input_coord as (select ? as lat, ? as lon),
	dists as (
			distinct s.feed_id, vsp.feed_id || '_' || vsp.parent_station as stop_sidu,
			6371.0 * acos(
				sin(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * sin(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) +
				cos(input_coord.lat * pi() / 180.0) * cos(s.stop_lat * pi() / 180.0) *
				cos((s.stop_lon - input_coord.lon) * pi() / 180.0)
			) as dist_km
			join stops s on 1 = 1
			join _vstopparent vsp on s.feed_id = vsp.feed_id and vsp.parent_station = s.stop_id
			order by dist_km asc
select stop_sidu, stop_name, iif(dist_km > ?, null, dist_km) as dist_km
from dists where feed_id in (?)
order by dist_km asc
 ([1.1 0.2 20 42]) to memory ok (len=4)
--- PASS: Test_LoadStopWalks (0.19s)
=== RUN   Test_LoadTransfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_transfers.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/2885272635.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3237091647.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3237091647.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_1b7c4e160cb381e9a5d2b22fbf625a249d3c2ed3a2fae74cb258214eb73cf7ea; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_3237091647.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading /tmp/2885272635.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/2885272635.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e37e371e5f8c7c355413d55fe59c9054de3dbf0d759f0bcd6ef7968b46cde54e; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_62f6463902bf0c18eefcc88fd81a21fbf559daca8485920a3653a28636aa83f5; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 2 rows into transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3918034275/transfers.txt to table: transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded /tmp/2885272635.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f742106f8) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (?)
 ([0 3.5 0 0 3.5 0 0 42 42 1000 f]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (?)
 ([0 3.5 0 0 3.5 0 0 42 42 1000 f]) to memory ok (len=2)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_transfers.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/2032288786.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1827075509.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1827075509.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_95b772f009b42df0864662cd5daeafff3e849cfbc8e40e586be7f9b47b72c407; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1827075509.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading /tmp/2032288786.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/2032288786.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e37e371e5f8c7c355413d55fe59c9054de3dbf0d759f0bcd6ef7968b46cde54e; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_62f6463902bf0c18eefcc88fd81a21fbf559daca8485920a3653a28636aa83f5; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 2 rows into transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3491289338/transfers.txt to table: transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded /tmp/2032288786.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f74621a78) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (?)
 ([3 3.5 3 3 3.5 3 3 42 42 1000 i]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (?)
 ([3 3.5 3 3 3.5 3 3 42 42 1000 i]) to memory ok (len=3)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_transfers.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/3937258888.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1357692401.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1357692401.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_d943eda7870e2bfdddf64759dc7f987243ab76812361d4c5a51eb606b4758e6b; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1357692401.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading /tmp/3937258888.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/3937258888.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e37e371e5f8c7c355413d55fe59c9054de3dbf0d759f0bcd6ef7968b46cde54e; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_62f6463902bf0c18eefcc88fd81a21fbf559daca8485920a3653a28636aa83f5; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 2 rows into transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir4011344831/transfers.txt to table: transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded /tmp/3937258888.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f743a0698) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (?)
 ([3 3.5 3 3 3.5 3 3 42 42 1000 g]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (?)
 ([3 3.5 3 3 3.5 3 3 42 42 1000 g]) to memory ok (len=3)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_transfers.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/89296056.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_568094286.csv)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_568094286.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_794ac59bb5fe8f823026f637a699e5c4f130127e4933e5f554b23b95acac8387; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_568094286.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading /tmp/89296056.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/89296056.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e37e371e5f8c7c355413d55fe59c9054de3dbf0d759f0bcd6ef7968b46cde54e; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 4 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_62f6463902bf0c18eefcc88fd81a21fbf559daca8485920a3653a28636aa83f5; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported 2 rows into transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1769025728/transfers.txt to table: transfers ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded /tmp/89296056.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f743a1308) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_e49bcb4d76fb2c80913af3c8407007f34b72c84c7045982cdafa519098886897')
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loading select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (? , ?)
 ([3 3.5 3 3 3.5 3 3 42 42 1000 f g]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:16:47 Loaded select * from (
  -- Implicit transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, to_feed_id,
    'i' as transfer_category,
    ? as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransfersimplicit
  union all

  -- Generated transfers
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'g' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses dist_km to determine seconds transfer cost; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _cvtransfersgen
  union all

  -- Feed transfers (transfers.txt)
    from_stop_sidu, from_stop_idu, from_stop_id, feed_id as from_feed_id,
    to_stop_sidu, to_stop_idu, to_stop_id, feed_id_pair as to_feed_id,
    'f' as transfer_category,
    -- Uses min_transfer_time, else use dist_km; round up to min_seconds
    max(coalesce(min_transfer_time, cast(dist_km / ? * 60 * 60 as uint), ?), ?) as transfer_seconds
  from _vtransferstbl
) t
where ((from_feed_id = ? and to_feed_id = ?))
and transfer_seconds < ?
and transfer_category in (? , ?)
 ([3 3.5 3 3 3.5 3 3 42 42 1000 f g]) to memory ok (len=5)
--- PASS: Test_LoadTransfers (0.39s)
ok  	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/dbquery_test	2.083s
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/dbschemaextra	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/dbstubquery	[no test files]
=== RUN   Test_LoadCalToService
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_cal_only.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/1873074745.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_356682221.csv)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_356682221.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ab0df5148bc47d36c287f47a162c61960feccd0e0a8e89809bef3bf335de0035; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_356682221.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading /tmp/1873074745.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/1873074745.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e3b90f0aa591f682039ce6ac7a9f4e8f46025c2346ee8478c06a04300d59ed12; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1959028594/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded /tmp/1873074745.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f6c3b81e8) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230620 20230621]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230620 20230621]) to memory ok (len=4)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_cal_only.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/969479397.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_4046565070.csv)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_4046565070.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_d7e79dc936e49c8e1e1145f8c179ac3f5a485575fef2dacf2c788b7fd0927b7d; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_4046565070.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading /tmp/969479397.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/969479397.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e3b90f0aa591f682039ce6ac7a9f4e8f46025c2346ee8478c06a04300d59ed12; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/calendar_dates.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2029625849/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded /tmp/969479397.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f6c00f568) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20270619 20270622]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20270619 20270622]) to memory ok (len=0)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_caldates_only.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/3092866769.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_2494070964.csv)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_2494070964.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_4764301b7ee2d2a0b768dea18d76f3625c8c3e513a8d32afee2c256b46c714cf; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_2494070964.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading /tmp/3092866769.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/3092866769.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c9a596973ac871ddba3e27cef7cc8ef2d3481b1fd98a210e6f398bd2ce95a687; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 6 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir2915970156/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded /tmp/3092866769.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f6c3b8c88) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230302 20230303]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230302 20230303]) to memory ok (len=3)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_caldates_only.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/2022505700.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1472426560.csv)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1472426560.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e5cac8f1e8b95afca1bc2f099b1835fa8199dcca8802d5f233f01f65027c9df1; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1472426560.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:25 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading /tmp/2022505700.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/2022505700.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_c9a596973ac871ddba3e27cef7cc8ef2d3481b1fd98a210e6f398bd2ce95a687; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 6 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1266763871/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded /tmp/2022505700.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f6c322bb8) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230402 20230703]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230402 20230703]) to memory ok (len=0)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_cal_and_caldates.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/4139187245.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1445577353.csv)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1445577353.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_4f7ce3da176e4c9293497411adc05b71004ee062e87257e63f35a892fcf86e31; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_1445577353.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading /tmp/4139187245.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/4139187245.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_1a479c2cc8fe96fa8aacf573305f61c13d80b613e0c9ca8c3b964d91ece992ca; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 2 rows into calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/calendar.txt to table: calendar ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_674e838dce9a30acbf7bc93af3c4c8f4856ba5f0b7c966777d38b29df07f8800; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 4 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir3678582545/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded /tmp/4139187245.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f6c00ff88) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_0e74a5076f0274b109142fc425c74cff47bef02800122d1f65189c2f2ac9ddbb')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230906 20230910]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded 
			select feed_id, service_date, service_id from _cvcaltoservice
			where feed_id = ? and service_date between ? and ?
		 ([42 20230906 20230910]) to memory ok (len=7)
--- PASS: Test_LoadCalToService (0.67s)
=== RUN   Test_LoadStopToParent
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Generated mock for input (map[42:../testhelper/mockgtfs/gtfs_simple_stops.yml]): (gtfs zips: [/tmp/3845946804.zip]) (mobdb csv: /tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_434312276.csv)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 SQLite system version (3.45.1); comparing to required version: 3.28.0
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema tables
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mobsql ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int,'tbl' text not null,'checksum' text not null,'n_rows' int not null,'timestamp' int not null,unique(feed_id,feed_id_pair,tbl))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _mdb ('feed_id' int not null,'data_type' text not null,'location.bounding_box.minimum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.minimum_longitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_latitude' real,'location.bounding_box.maximum_longitude' real,'location.country_code' text,'location.subdivision_name' text,'location.municipality' text,'urls.latest' text not null,'urls.license' text,'mdb_source_id' int not null,'name' text,'status' text,'provider' text not null,unique(mdb_source_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists agency ('feed_id' int not null,'agency_id' text,'agency_name' text not null,'agency_url' text not null,'agency_timezone' text not null,unique(feed_id,agency_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'monday' int not null check(monday in (0,1)),'tuesday' int not null check(tuesday in (0,1)),'wednesday' int not null check(wednesday in (0,1)),'thursday' int not null check(thursday in (0,1)),'friday' int not null check(friday in (0,1)),'saturday' int not null check(saturday in (0,1)),'sunday' int not null check(sunday in (0,1)),'start_date' int not null,'end_date' int not null,unique(feed_id,service_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists calendar_dates ('feed_id' int not null,'service_id' text not null,'date' int not null,'exception_type' int not null check(exception_type in (1,2)))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stop_times ('feed_id' int not null,'trip_id' text not null,'arrival_time' int,'departure_time' int,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_sequence' int not null,'stop_headsign' text,'pickup_type' int,'drop_off_type' int,'continuous_drop_off' text,'timepoint' int check(timepoint in (0,1)),unique(feed_id,trip_id,stop_sequence))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists stops ('feed_id' int not null,'stop_id' text not null,'stop_code' text,'stop_name' text check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_name is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_desc' text,'stop_lat' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lat is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'stop_lon' real check(
						((location_type is null or location_type = 0 or location_type = 1 or location_type = 2) and stop_lon is not null) or
						(location_type = 3 or location_type = 4)
					),'zone_id' text,'stop_url' text,'location_type' int check(location_type in (0,1,2,3,4)),'parent_station' text,'stop_timezone' text,'wheelchair_boarding' int check(wheelchair_boarding in (0,1,2)),'level_id' text,'platform_code' text,unique(feed_id,stop_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists trips ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'trip_headsign' text,'trip_short_name' text,'direction_id' int check(direction_id in (0,1)),'block_id' text,'shape_id' text,'wheelchair_accessible' text check(wheelchair_accessible in (0,1,2)),'bikes_allowed' int check(bikes_allowed in (0,1,2)),unique(feed_id,trip_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists routes ('feed_id' int not null,'route_id' text not null,'agency_id' text,'route_short_name' text check(route_long_name is not null or route_short_name is not null),'route_long_name' text,'route_desc' text,'route_type' int,'route_url' text,'route_color' text,'route_text_color' text,'route_sort_order' text,'continuous_pickup' int check(continuous_pickup in (0,1,2,3)),'continuous_drop_off' int check(continuous_drop_off in (0,1,2,3)),unique(feed_id,route_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists transfers ('feed_id' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'transfer_type' int,'min_transfer_time' int)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvconn ('feed_id' int not null,'conn_id' text not null,'trip_id' text not null,'service_id' text not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'from_stop_time' int not null,'from_stop_sequence' int not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_time' int not null,'to_stop_sequence' int not null,unique(feed_id,conn_id))
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvcaltoservice ('feed_id' int not null,'service_date' int not null,'service_id' text not null)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Execute statement:
create table if not exists _cvtransfersgen ('feed_id' int not null,'feed_id_pair' int not null,'from_stop_id' text not null,'to_stop_id' text not null,'from_stop_idu' text not null,'to_stop_idu' text not null,'from_stop_sidu' text not null,'to_stop_sidu' text not null,'dist_km' real)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema tables ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema indexes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stop_times1_departure_time on stop_times as [departure_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stop_times1_departure_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stop_times1_trip_id on stop_times as [trip_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stop_times1_trip_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id on stops as [feed_id stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stops2_feed_id_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon on stops as [stop_lat stop_lon]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_stops2_stop_lat_stop_lon ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id from_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_from_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id on transfers as [feed_id to_stop_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx_transfers2_feed_id_to_stop_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time on _cvconn as [feed_id service_id from_stop_time]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx__cvconn3_feed_id_service_id_from_stop_time ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Create index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id on _cvcaltoservice as [service_date feed_id]
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Created index idx__cvcaltoservice2_service_date_feed_id ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading schema indexes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vsources (bytes=2957)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vstopparent (bytes=2600)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vconn (bytes=1227)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vconnverbose (bytes=1076)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vcaltoservice (bytes=4223)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vtransferstbl (bytes=933)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vtransfersgen (bytes=1552)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded view _vtransfersimplicit  (bytes=371)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading views ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_434312276.csv (0.00MB) to table: _mdb
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_4516ca66160821cd89c12997b5afea4ea144a5c9c341926123d446ec203fe266; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from //tmp/mobroute_test_mobdb_434312276.csv to table: _mdb ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Load against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading GTFS feed 42 (1 of 1)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading /tmp/3845946804.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded GTFS Archive /tmp/3845946804.zip to temporary directory: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/agency.txt (0.00MB) to table: agency
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_ec69cc35698113d39b116d06df83c168ff34eec1dd5daa90136c2ccdddd57966; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/agency.txt to table: agency ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: agency complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/calendar.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/calendar.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/calendar_dates.txt (0.00MB) to table: calendar_dates
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_e37e371e5f8c7c355413d55fe59c9054de3dbf0d759f0bcd6ef7968b46cde54e; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/calendar_dates.txt to table: calendar_dates ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: calendar_dates complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/stop_times.txt (0.00MB) to table: stop_times
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/stop_times.txt to table: stop_times ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stop_times complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/stops.txt (0.00MB) to table: stops
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 10 rows into stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/stops.txt to table: stops ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: stops complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/trips.txt (0.00MB) to table: trips
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/trips.txt to table: trips ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: trips complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/routes.txt (0.00MB) to table: routes
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Last checksum vs current:  / C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8; import will occur
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported 1 rows into routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Imported table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/routes.txt to table: routes ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: routes complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Importing table from /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/transfers.txt (0.00MB) to table: transfers
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Skipped import for non-existant non-required file: /tmp/mobroute_tempdir1951869064/transfers.txt
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading table: transfers complete
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded /tmp/3845946804.zip to DB with GTFS feed: 42 ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading GTFS feed 42 ok; used cache for URL download (true)
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Load against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Compute against 1 feeds
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvconn for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:routes:C_0M_a6031af6418607a6e5f51c20eaa22f422664f8d5254c59438ab18ce7e1e97cf8,42:stop_times:C_0M_34d5ab6ee7cbb3e04fd82bd1dca86e4daecfa570a11b128209c8e5c102662d0a,42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366,42:trips:C_0M_0391ceb043162a440ba78564cae799b0c9b0004ac42d27290246145bfa780435')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvcaltoservice for feed (42 <nil>) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Computed table _cvtransfersgen for feed (42 0x3f6c453c98) out of date - updating ('' vs '42:stops:C_0M_658a3f90ef5c5b6b531059c770014493d5c29ff969ad1e41a9df10615e479366')
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Running Compute against 1 feeds ok
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loading 
			select feed_id, stop_id, parent_station from _vstopparent
			where feed_id = ?
		 ([42]) to memory
2024/07/09 13:17:26 Loaded 
			select feed_id, stop_id, parent_station from _vstopparent
			where feed_id = ?
		 ([42]) to memory ok (len=10)
--- PASS: Test_LoadStopToParent (0.10s)
ok  	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/dbstubquery_test	0.960s
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/dbt	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/testhelper	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/testhelper/dbquerytesthelper	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/util/utilcache	[no test files]
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/util/utilfuncs	[no test files]
=== RUN   Test_DistHaversine_Zero
--- PASS: Test_DistHaversine_Zero (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_DistHaversine_Case
--- PASS: Test_DistHaversine_Case (0.00s)
=== RUN   Test_TimezoneToUTCDeltaSecs
--- PASS: Test_TimezoneToUTCDeltaSecs (0.00s)
ok  	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/util/utilfuncs_test	0.056s
?   	git.sr.ht/~mil/mobroute/util/utillog	[no test files]
>>> mobroute: Entering fakeroot...
>>> mobroute-doc*: Running split function doc...
>>> mobroute-doc*: Preparing subpackage mobroute-doc...
>>> mobroute-doc*: Running postcheck for mobroute-doc
>>> mobroute*: Running postcheck for mobroute
>>> mobroute*: Preparing package mobroute...
>>> mobroute*: Stripping binaries
>>> mobroute-doc*: Scanning shared objects
>>> mobroute*: Scanning shared objects
>>> mobroute-doc*: Tracing dependencies...
>>> mobroute-doc*: Package size: 84.0 KB
>>> mobroute-doc*: Compressing data...
>>> mobroute-doc*: Create checksum...
>>> mobroute-doc*: Create mobroute-doc-0.6.0-r0.apk
>>> mobroute*: Tracing dependencies...
>>> mobroute*: Package size: 10.0 MB
>>> mobroute*: Compressing data...
>>> mobroute*: Create checksum...
>>> mobroute*: Create mobroute-0.6.0-r0.apk
>>> mobroute: Build complete at Tue, 09 Jul 2024 13:17:29 +0000 elapsed time 0h 10m 39s
>>> mobroute: Cleaning up srcdir
>>> mobroute: Cleaning up pkgdir
>>> mobroute: Uninstalling dependencies...
(1/3) Purging .makedepends-mobroute (20240709.130654)
(2/3) Purging tzdata (2024a-r1)
(3/3) Purging go (1.22.5-r0)
Executing busybox-1.36.1-r31.trigger
OK: 228 MiB in 102 packages
>>> mobroute: Updating the testing/riscv64 repository index...
>>> mobroute: Signing the index...